Ahmed Ashour
Cultural Dramaturg
Ahmed Ashour is a Bahrain-born, Egypt-grown theatre-maker, writer, and thinker. Brilliant Mind marks Ahmed’s first collaboration with Storykrapht as well as his (virtual) return to Marin Theatre Company after assistant directing last year’s production of Heather Raffo’s Noura. Ahmed is a recipient of the prestigious and highly-selective Crown Prince of Bahrain International Scholarship. His work focuses on creating space for members of the global majority community, especially Arab- and/or Muslim-identifying people, to navigate and intervene in the disciplinary/surveillance state. Select credits include Yussef El Guindi’s Back of the Throat, Lauren Gunderson’s Natural Shocks (Sock & Buskin), Elwood’s (2018 America Too Festival, Trinity Repertory Company), A Guide to Winning (La Fontaine Centre for Contemporary Art), and Pippin (Ensemble! Theatre). Ahmed also works in multidisciplinary art, most recently collaborating with several international artists on Shrimp Atonement (zFestival unAcademy). He received his BA in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies from Brown University, and currently is a freelancer in Bahrain and internationally.