Laura A. Brueckner
Lliterary Manager & Resident Dramaturg
Laura A. Brueckner has been supporting productions and playwrights with her dramaturgical work for over 20 years, with an emphasis on digital dramaturgy, world premieres, and commissions. During this time, she has been proud to count among her collaborators artists such as Marin Theatre Company’s playwright in residence, Lauren Gunderson; Christopher Chen; Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig; Mina Morita; Marissa Wolf; Idris Goodwin; Lachlan Philpott; and Dominique Serrand, as well as groundbreaking companies Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Crowded Fire Theater, The New Harmony Project, Playwrights Foundation, and, now, MTC. As an artist, she is committed to theatre as a path of social action, critical inquiry, discovery, and delight. Her journalistic writing on artistic process and audience engagement has been published by HowlRound and Theatre Bay Area; her dramaturgical writing has been published by Berkeley Rep, California Shakespeare Theater, and Crowded Fire. A member of Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, she holds a B.A. in English Dramatic Literature (magna cum laude) from U.C. Berkeley and a Ph.D. in Dramaturgy from U.C. San Diego.