J. B. Wilson+

scenic designer

J. B. Wilson+

J.B. Wilson has designed nineteen sets for MTC, including Jasson Minadakis’s OthelloTiny AliceEquivocationSunlightThe Seafarer, and said Saïd, along with FencesSeven GuitarsDisplacedBeggar’s HolidayFugitive KindThe Hairy ApeCompanyOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestAll In the TimingWilder! Wilder! Wilder!, Lips Together Teeth Apart, and Inspecting Carol. Over the past 37 years Wilson’s extensive credits have included work with directors Joy Carlin, Kent Gash, Amy Glazer, Robert Kelley, John Lion, Murray Mednick, Timothy Near, Carey Perloff, Lee Sankowich, Dianna Shuster, Tony Taccone, Albert Takazauckas, Richard E.T. White, Robert Woodruff, Jerry Zaks, and many others.  Wilson is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, a member of United Scenic Artists Local 829, and taught at Stanford for nine years before joining the faculty at San Francisco State in 1997. He is grateful to have been honored with many awards for his work.
