Melvign Badiola
Melvign Badiola is thrilled to be making his Marin Theater Company debut with, He's a production manager, stage manager, teaching artist, film, industrial, and stage actor based in Oakland California. He's a resident artist at Bindlestiff Studio and also serves as Brava! Theater’s Production Manager and Youth Program Manager. He’s toured middle and high schools throughout California with NCTC's YouthAware Program. His work has been seen at SF Sketch Fest, SF Theater Fest, Young Playwright's Foundation, Bay Area One Acts, One Minute Play Festival, Each One Reach One, Pianofight, Intersection for the Arts, Palace of Fine Arts, California Academy of Science, A.C.T., & Magic Theater. Stage Management credits include Youth Speaks BNV (Berkeley & Atlanta), Mommy Queerest (Exit), Chasing Mehserle (Z Space), Tree City Legends (SF & Philadelphia), The Anastasio Project (NaKa), Spiritrials (Z Space). Film and Industrial Credits include VDA Tape 96, Prinsesa, Yahoo, San Francisco Police Department, and Geneva Car Barn Project. You can catch him at Magic Theater’s production of in February 2016.