• Oct 19, 2013

Recommended Reading: Books in The Convert Rehearsal Room

Rhodesian Epic. T.W. Baxter and R.W.S. Turner (1966)

The African Past. Basil Davidson (1964)

The Material Culture of Zimbabwe. H. Ellert (1984)

The Genuine Shona. Michael Gelfand (1984)

Shona Customs. Edited by Clive and Peggy Kileff (1970)

Diamonds, Gold, and War. Martin Meredith (2007)

The Scramble for Africa. Thomas Pakenham (1991)

Becoming Zimbabwe. Edited by Brian Raftopoulos and Alois Mlambo (2009)

Peasants, Traders, and Wives. Elizabeth Schmidt (1992)

Rhodes: The Race for Africa. Antony Thomas (1997)
